S.M.A.R.T Distribution

products to inspire the discerning musician...


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The Magnophonic Pickup
Designed Specifically for Tricone Resonator Guitars


This pickup system reproduces the harmonically complex sound of the Tricone with exceptional accuracy. The response is extremely musical. Functioning like a cross between a magnetic pickup and a dynamic microphone, the Magnophonic Pickup is the only pickup that is cutom designed for this unique instrument.

A Look Under the Hood
Capture that authentic
"Cone Tone"

Magnophonic Pickup Close-up


Magnophonic X - National Tricone Pickup, Preamp and External Power - £260.00
Magnophonic XV - +Volume Control - £292.00
Magnophonic-2 - Two channel version with Internal Power only - £227.00

“The tricone resonator guitar, as pioneered by National, has one of the most richly complex sounds of any acoustic guitar, since several different elements contribute to that sound. As a player of National tricones for nearly 40 years, I can tell you that amplifying an instrument with such tonal complexity is a real challenge. It has been nearly impossible to capture the tricone’s unique sonic colors. There has never been a proper or even workable solution UNTIL NOW!

The Highlander Magnophonic pickup and its installation method have been carefully designed by Bob Wolstein of Highlander in tandem with Don Young and McGregor Gaines of National Reso-Phonic. The result of this thoughtful development is staggeringly accurate, highly musical and I feel confident using this system on any stage or studio in the world. Thank you Highlander for finding a solution! May the gratitude of tricone players everywhere resonate around the world."

Bob Brozman